Q: Is there any charge to applicants for
utilizing the services of your employment/personnel agency?
A: No, there is absolutely no charge for utilizing
the employment services of CareerView.
Q: What are the services offered by CareerView?
A: CareerView is an employment search service
and, as such, strives to place people in their careers of
choice. In the process of matching candidates to their chosen
profession, CareerView is happy to provide a myriad of other
human resource related services, also free of charge, including,
but not limited to: career counseling; resume revision; interview
techniques; marketplace trends.
Q: If I am registered with CareerView, am
I bound to only using your services regarding my job search?
A: Absolutely not, you may register with as
many search services as you wish. However, we always advise
not to register with too many as it becomes quite difficult
to juggle interviews, appointments etc. if you have too many
people conducting a career search on your behalf.
Q: Will I have to undergo testing in order
to be registered with your search firm?
A: Depending on the position for which you
have applied, you may be tested for specific skills. For example,
if you are applying for a position as an administrative assistant
and the position requires strong proficiency in Microsoft
Office, then you will be tested in the programs comprising
the MS Office suite of software. In addition, if such a position
has the requirement that you be able to compose basic business
correspondence, you will be given a test that determines your
ability in this area.
Q: Do I have to come to your offices all
dressed up – after all, you are not the hiring firm
but only the agency acting as the hiring company’s representative?
A: It is precisely because we are prescreening
applicants on behalf of our client companies that it is very
important that you make that great first impression with us,
after all, we have to extol your virtues to our clients and
remember, “you never get a second chance to make a first
Q: Before heading out on an interview, how
important is it really to know much about the client company?
A: Job offers have been won on the knowledge
or lost on the lack of knowledge that a candidate has of the
company with which it is interviewing. Just think for a moment,
would you want to hire someone who didn’t care enough
to find out as much as possible about the company with which
he/she claims they want to map out a career path? Your enthusiasm
about the company, its products and services, its financial
results, its name in the marketplace will put you way ahead
of your competition in the race for that dream career. As
an agency, we will give you a good background on the company
but it is really your “job” to do your homework
and retrieve as much background as possible about the company.
With the internet at your fingertips, there really is no excuse
to walk into an interview without sound knowledge of the company.
One word of caution “beware” – never appear
to know more about the company than the person interviewing
you. Again, “beware”, at a first interview, do
not bring up any negative aspect of the company’s history,
that is something that would be more appropriately mentioned
at the second interview stage where you have more right to
ensure that there are no company related barriers as to why
you would not want to pursue the position.
Q: What do I do if I am running late for
an interview but have no way of calling either yourself or
the client – for example, if I am stuck underground
in the subway.
A: Obviously, if you are running late and
able to call to indicate that there is a problem, PLEASE DO.
We would prefer that you place a call both with us at CareerView
and with the person conducting the interview as it keeps us
informed and allows us to call the client to offer an additional
apology from us on your behalf and, in the event that you
are running really late and potentially inconveniencing the
client, it also allows us the opportunity to ask the client
if they would prefer to re-schedule.
In the event that you have no way to reach
the client, (e.g. you are stuck on the subway) we would suggest
that you try calling as soon as you have access to a phone
to ensure that it is still okay for you to show up even though
you are late. If you do not have easy access to a phone, we
would suggest that you head to the interview anyway in the
hope that you will still have an opportunity to interview.
When you arrive at the client company, it is imperative that
you offer profuse apologies and indicate that you would be
happy to re-schedule at the convenience of the client. Please
be sure to inform us if you were not able to be at the interview
on time.
Q: What do I do if I get lost en route to
a client which would result in my being late for the interview?
A: Follow the same advice as above. However,
there should never be any reason for you to get lost especially
if you have a couple of days lead time before the interview.
If going by TTC, simply call (416) 393-4636 and tell them
your point of departure and your destination and they will
tell you the best route to take. Remember, TTC INFO is only
open Monday to Friday 9-5, so call ahead of time. Similarly,
there are information lines for GO transit, Mississauga transit
and Markham transit.
If driving to your destination, be sure to
map out a route ahead of time. Whether driving or taking public
transit, we always suggest a trial run to make sure you know
exactly where the company is located. It will take one of
the pressures off you on the day of the interview.
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